Not all Bonds are the Same and its important you know the difference.
Rated and Listed Bonds are historically popular in times of recession, economic and market uncertainty, due to their fixed income as opposed to the ROI fluctuations seen in the stock and property markets. One of the first things fixed income investors typically do, is determine the category and profile of a bond. Is it an officially Registered and Listed Security ie does it have an ISIN? Does it sit on a major exchange? Are there annual cash redemption options, or are you locked in until maturity? Is it registered with/available on Euroclear/CREST? Different types of bonds are likely to appeal to different people. Risk and Liquidity play a major role in this.
Someone perhaps, who has a long investment time horizon to recoup any capital losses, might include high risk minibonds or unlisted junk bonds in their portfolio. Conversely, Listed Bonds and investment grade bonds may find favour with a more astute, experienced professional investor, who prioritises capital preservation as paramount.
One way investors can generally assess the risk profile of a bond is through its Rating; with much of the detailed research carried out by external credit rating agencies who assign different credit ratings, based on how much risk is attached to the repayment of capital and liquidity.
The dividing line being: bonds with high credit ratings of at least BBB– are classified as investment grade (default rates less than 0.5% on average), while those below BBB– , are commonly referred to as junk or mini-bonds (default rates as high as 60%)
The vast majority of aaa-a Rated Bonds are Senior Secure which meaning they are default and bankruptcy remote. A senior secured bond is one that is pre-backed by a segregated and ring fenced pool of security, by way of of collateral, cash and assets, specifically against the bond.
Both Listed and investment grade bonds are Publicly Listed and tradeable on major Regulated Exchanges & MTF’s where liquidity is freely transferable and/or early redemptions are available.
Such bonds are internationally recognized and internationally listed by way of its ISIN Number (International Securities Identification Number) and can only be purchased through Regulated Entities ie investment platforms such as Euroclear, Crest, Capital International Group, Credo Wealth etc.
An increasingly popular alternative to Bonds, are Preference Shares. Particularly those which utilises Arbitrage Trading Programs, whereby Investor Capital remains unencumbered in Escrow till maturity. Escrow is typically managed by Tier 1 Bank & FCA Trustees ensuring that principle funds remain unmoved and untouched. The funds remain frozen and are used as proof of funds to obtain an independant line of credit, entered into Arbitrage Programs, securing high yield returns.
- Listed Publicly on Major Exchanges & Tradeable
- Liquidity- freely transferable (bond can be sold and early redemptions available)
- Global ISIN Number & Listing
- Investors are not locked in at any stage
- Purchase eligibility: ISA/ ISA Transfer/ SIPP / Regulated Investment Platform
- Credit Rated AAA-BBB (investment grade)
- Senior Secure (specific assets pre-set aside with charge against bond)
- Typically Publicly Audited
- Compliance with Regulated Exchange & Regulator
- Global ISIN Number
- Issuers; (1) Supranational Bodies (2) Local Government Authorities (3) Large Established Companies (4) Governments
- Buyers; Individual Investors, Pension Funds, Government Funds, Insurers, Hedge Funds
- Can only be purchased through a Regulated Entity
✗ Unlisted
✗ No Early Redemption
✗ Investors are locked in until maturity
✗ No ISIN listing
✗ Ineligible for ISA/SIPP & Regulated Investment Platform typically
✗ Unrated
✗ Not usually Audited
✗ Little compliance to adhere to
✗ No ISIN Number
✗ Issuers tend to be small, illiquid and unestablished companies
✗ Buyers of minibonds/loan notes; unaware Individual Investors
✗ Otherwise known as Junk Bonds including BB-D rated bonds
✗ Can be purchased from any unregulated entit