Frequently Asked Questions
General and Common Investor Queries and
Questions answered

Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young
Benjamin Franklin

About Us
Do Trouver Charge Fees ?
Our service is Free for investors, individuals, families, referrals, family offices and trusts, as we strictly offer a Guidance Service, not an Advisory Service.
Standard fee-splits apply to Private Advisors/IFA's seeking access to our Investment Provider Network for their clients interests.
How are Issuers Chosen ?
We prioritise Regulated Liquid Funds & Fixed Income Issuers with 100% Track Records of Investor Maturity Repayment; each typically having already delivered & repaid between £20m - £250million+ of investor capital.
Options are either Regulated, Investment Grade, Listed or Corp and offer 6, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48+ month durations, with Fixed Interest paid monthly or quarterly. In addition, many options have Liquidity & monthly, quarterly or annual fixed redemption exits + no exit fees.
Are clients in safe hands ?
Fast approaching a decade since inception, we're proud to have been recognized by a number of Business & Industry Awards, Publications (including the FT & PWM) and Forums whilst amassing scores of satisfied clients globally. Notable Press mentions include The Guardian (2019) chosen as part of an exclusive pick of 10 Organisations in the 'Selection of Best Investment Options- Savings, Borrowing & Investing' monthly feature.
Business & Industry Awards won;
- Corporate Livewire Global Awards (2019) - Business Excellence Awards Winner (2020) - UK Enterprise Awards Winner (2021) - London & The S.East Prestige Awards Winner (2022) - Greater London Enterprise Awards Winner (2022) - Wealth & Finance International Award Winner (2023)
- SME 500 Award Winner (2023)
- Global 100 Award Winner (2023)
- APAC Business Award Winner (2023)
Corporate Directories and Listings include Linkedin, Pitchbook, Apollo, ZoomInfo, Crunchbase, Craft, Bark, Pitchbook, Yell, Preqin etc.
We are members of the ACC Leaders Club (Asia CEO Community) and G.I.L.C. among others. We are also proud to be regularly invited as Speakers &/or Sponsors by the following:
- SWFI FORT Global Events & Round Tables
- FT's Wealth Management Summits
- Prestel & Partner Conferences
- Footprints Private Family Office Forums
Are we responsible for performance ?
Investment performance and responsibility lie solely with the individual Investment Issuers. Clients do not invest with ourselves on any basis and at no point do we receive/handle client funds or offer financial advice/services.
Minimum Entry Levels & Durations ?
Minimum entry levels for standard fixed income options vary between £5K | £10K | £20K | £50K & £100k minimums. Investment Lengths also vary, with short to long terms options ie 6 | 12 | 18 | 24 | 36+ months or longer.
Minimum entry for UCITS Funds and Mutual Funds, sits at £30k with others at £80k. Due to their regulatory stipulations to maintain liquidity, investor capital exits are open-ended (fortnightly, monthly or quarterly)
Why Fixed Income ?
Fixed Income is one of the most popular ways of investing globally. Not all fixed income options are equal in terms of quality however, which is why we carefully select & source investment issuers who typically share similar core characteristics, as seen below;
- Fixed Duration (6, 12, 18, 24 month options & more)
- Fixed Income (options fixed from 5-18% p.a.)
- Fixed Payments (monthly, quarterly, bi-annually etc)
- Fixed Exits (quarterly, bi-annual or annual redemptions)
- Proven Track Record (100% track record of principal return)
- Fixed Security (Senior Security, Collateral Backing)
- Inflation & Savings Hedge (inflation & savings beating)
'Senior Secure' Meaning
Whereby Investor Capital is Secured by specific pre-existing collateral ie specific cash/assets have been Separated & Segregated against investors principle & sits under FCA Trustee Charge till maturity. Known as 'bankruptcy remote' as ties are severed between investor capital and company risk/default.
Who Buys Fixed Income & Funds ?
- Individuals
- Investors
- Family Offices
- Trusts
- Committees
- Charities
- Govt Pension Funds
- Sovereign Wealth
- Insurers
- Pension Funds
Why are Regulated Funds so Popular ?
UCITS/Mutual Funds introduced are Regulated and Liquid, with weekly, monthly or quarterly cash redemption options. Investors benefit from both regular Income + annual Growth returns. Certain Funds (eg Quantitative, Algorithmic, Arbitrage focused) have the ability to significantly outperform benchmark funds/indexes, delivering Superior yields & often have no exit fees.
UCITS are a specific type of Fund, serving to offer the best legal protection to investors hence their global popularity and are only allowed to invest in Liquid Assets. These funds offer quality diversification in professional investment management services.
Why are Rated & Listed Bonds Popular ?
AAA-BBB Listed Bonds are officially Investment Grade - a stark contrast to speculative or unsecure Minibonds for instance. Investment grade corporate bonds are often unique, as they tend to be Uncorrelated to financial markets; proving popular in times of high inflation and low savings rates, due to their Steady Income, Security & Freely Transferable Liquidity. See below;
REGISTERED - Listed, Registered & recognized as a Global Security with ISIN number.
EXCHANGE LISTED - Publicly listed on regulated major exchanges.
AAA-BBB Rated - Highest quality, Investment Grade.
LIQUIDITY - freely transferable; can be sold or transferred on.
SENIOR SECURE - default/bankruptcy is categorically remote due to pre-existing specific collateral (cash/assets) segregated solely against the bond & charged to an FCA Trustee.
FIXED INTEREST - assurity of stable & consistent fixed return
DEFAULT RATES - Less than 0.5% on average.
PURCHASE FLEXIBILITY - Cash, ISA/Transfer/s, SIPPs & Investment Platforms.

How To Purchase Investment options ?
Options can be purchased directly from the Issuer or through financial & settlement platforms as seen below, using the products ISIN number;
- Issuer Direct (direct application to provider)
- Financial Services (Euroclear, Crest, Swissquote etc)
- Investment Platforms (TIP, Capital International etc)
- Life Companies (Custodian Life, Canada Life, Sun Life etc)
Is Trouver Partners regulated ?
FCA Regulation is restricted to enterprises who receive client funds or provide financial advice, products or services; none of which we offer. Trouver Partners strictly provides Free Guidance for qualified Investors & Individuals.
Guidance is an impartial & free service which will help you to identify your options and narrow down your choices and will suggest what you could do but the decision is yours.
Advice on the other hand, is neither free nor impartial. Instead, advice will recommend what you should do in the advisors opinion; recommending a specific product or course of action for you to take, ie a Financial Advisor
Should you consult your financial advisor ?
All UCITS Funds, Hedge Funds, VC Funds, Mutual Funds and Structured Note Issuers are Regulated.
All Funds and all Fixed Income Investment Grade Bonds, can only be purchased through Regulated Platforms, Life Companies etc or issuer-direct.
When it comes to Corporate Fixed Income, we work with Investment Grade or Liquid/Listed Issuers or Institutional Issuers with 100% Track Records of Investor Capital Repayments in full, averaging £130m+ repaid per Issuer across multiple previous raises.
Should investors feel the need to consult their FA, they should. Seasoned Investors are aware however that the likelihood of ones FA endorsing opportunities outside of his/her remit & product range, is highly unlikely for a variety of logical reasons however All investors should seek an independent professional for investment and tax advice before deciding to invest.
Can clients arrange meetings with us ?
Yes. Simply arrange a suitable week, time and day with your Associate or Partner.
Our Annual Investor Relations Day is held in the Summer months with both clients and prospective clients. As privileged regular Invitees to the Footprints Family Office Summits and Ritossa Conferences, we welcome clients to join our Limited Guestlist.
COVID-19 Update- meetings in person are postponed till further notice due to Omicron precautions.